Underground Storage Tanks

Investigation, Remediation, Litigation, California UST Fund Claims

Edgcomb Law Group, LLP attorneys assist clients in the investigation and remediation through closure of chemical and petroleum underground storage tank sites. We also assist clients in recovering site cleanup costs from the California Underground Storage Tank (“UST”) Fund, which provides reimbursement for investigation and cleanup of leaking petroleum USTs.

Representative Experience

  • Represented client in investigating and remediating releases from a former distribution facility in a matter complicated by overlapping plumes.
  • Represented client in two different cost recovery actions commenced by current property owners asserting client’s liability for releases from USTs during prior period of client’s ownership and operation.
  • After claims submitted by others have been rejected by the UST Fund, represent clients in factual investigations, reapplications, and administrative appeals, resulting in enrollment into the UST Fund.
  • Regularly counsel clients on strategies to minimize costs and liabilities in investigation and remediation of UST releases.

Contact Edgcomb Law Group, LLP for additional information about our underground storage tank practice.

Attorneys:  Gabriel J. Padilla