Brownfields Redevelopment
Risk Management, Contract Counseling
For more than 20 years, Edgcomb Law Group, LLP attorneys have served as environmental counsel to clients buying, selling, and leasing contaminated properties (“Brownfields”). Our extensive environmental remediation and Brownfields redevelopment experience provides us with the know-how to navigate clients through the complex maze of environmental due diligence activities, administrative processes, complex contract negotiations, and insurance procurement that are all part of Brownfields redevelopment. We have assisted clients in successfully completing many complex Brownfields transactions.
Representative Experience
- Represented seller of a large former industrial complex to a national brownfield redeveloper, including the negotiation of related environmental and insurance terms, agreements and policies.
- Represented seller of former chemical distribution facilities, including the negotiation of related environmental and insurance terms, agreements and provisions.
- Represented buyer of closed retail strip malls and former pesticide contaminated agricultural lands, including the negotiation of related environmental and insurance terms, agreements, and provisions and related litigation to enforce contract terms.
- Represented buyer of a former chemical distribution facility.
- Represented buyer of vineyard property in investigation of water quality and natural resources issues.
Contact Edgcomb Law Group, LLP for additional information about our Brownfields redevelopment practice.